Agnès Sire


Agnès Sire holds a master’s degree in philosophy, obtained in 1974 under the supervision of Vladimir Jankélévitch, and a research master’s degree in the philosophy of aesthetics. She quickly became involved in the artistic field, joining the photographers’ cooperative Magnum Photos in 1982.
In 1992, she became Magnum’s director of special projects. After 15 years with the agency, she became its artistic director in 1997, working as an associate curator and co-author on numerous collective projects such as A l’Est de Magnum, Magnum Cinéma, Guerras Fratricidas and Magnum°, as well as individual projects such as Sergio Larrain: Valparaiso, Londres and Henri Cartier-Bresson: Carnets Mexicains.
In 2002, she participated in the creation of the Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation, which opened its doors in May 2003 and quickly became a major player on the art scene. She was appointed director of the Foundation in 2004 and has curated most of its exhibitions since then: Helen Levitt, Saul Leiter, Fazal Sheikh, David Goldblatt and Henri Cartier-Bresson.